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  • Diesel Generating Sets
  • Power Range 60-250 kVA
  • Power Range 250-2400 kVA

AGCO Power has been manufacturing diesel generators since 1952. We have been in business for decades with applications for hospitals, industry, data centers, military and agricultural customers to name a few. This expertise and know-how means we are able to manage even complex projects according to your requirements.

Our product program with power range from 60 to 2400 kVA consists of our AG-series up to 250 kVA PRP with our own AGCO Power engines and AG-series above that with 3rd party engines.

For more information contact our sales department at:



  • stand-by power generation
  • prime power generation
  • peak shaving


When used as a stand-by power system, the automatic generating sets start providing electricity in less than 10 seconds from power grid failure and stop automatically once the electricity in the main grid is reliable again.

Generating sets are typically used for prime power generation in locations where the main grid is not available. In a remote location, generating sets may even be a more cost-effective solution than a power grid connection.

Peak shaving generators are used to produce electricity during high peaks consumption. This may save you when you don’t have to oversize a grid connection because of one or two big loads that are used only occasionally. All of our standard series units with the InteliGen control panel have this functionality.



  1. An installation plan (for mechanics and electricity)
    The location:



  • Typically open unit
  • proper ventilation, inlet, outlet and recirculation if needed
  • safe exhaust piping, fire hazard if not installed correctly
  • cable routes and installations by certified contractor



  • Typically sound attenuated enclosure models
  • Cable routes and installations by a certified contractor with a good history to build complex projects when needed.


  1. Sizing
  • The generating set power must exceed the required power of the total load it is supplying.
  • Best way to check the total load is to have a list of all equipment with loads and select the required power rating.
  • The easiest way to select the right sized unit is to check the main fuses / size of electrical connection and match the generating set with it. As a rough estimate:
    • AG60 (87 A) fits locations with fuse sizes 3×63 A to 3×100 A
    • AG90 (130 A) fits locations with fuse sizes 3×100 A to 3×160 A
    • AG110 (159 A) fits locations with fuse sizes 3×125 A to 3×160 A
    • AG150 (218 A) fits locations with fuse sizes 3×160 A to 3×250 A
    • AG205 (296 A) fits locations with fuse sizes 3×250 A to 3×400 A
    • AG250 (361 A) fits locations with fuse sizes 3×315 A to 3×400 A


  • Please note that the sizing above does not take into account such sizing factors as DOL (direct-on-line) motors, high reactive load (lots of fluorescent lights for example) or big UPS devices.
  • For detailed information please contact local representative for the availability of after sales support
  • Make sure the generating set you are buying has a reliable service network with experienced service personnel and spare part support.




  1. Steel base frame
  2. Vibration isolators
  3. Engine
  4. Generator
  5. Control and switchgear cubicle
  6. Battery set for start and control
  7. Fuel oil day tank
  8. Day tank filling pump
  9. Cooling fan
  10. Cooling radiator
  11. Flexible connecting pipe
  12. Heat insulated silencer
  13. Anchor bolt (if needed)
  14. Outlet air channel
  15. Motorized shutter for return air
  16. Motorized shutter for outlet air
  17. Motorized shutter for inlet air
  18. External louver
  19. Exhaust pipe, insulated inside room
  20. Heat insulated wall penetration
  21. Exhaust director

Items 1-12 belong to diesel generator

Items 13-21 are installation parts

AG series diesel generator sets can be used both for back-up and primary power. They offer a reliable power supply for agriculture, industry, hospitals, data centres, fire and rescue departments as well as water utilities, power stations and electric plants.

The AG series includes six generator sets in the 60–250 kVA power range. The generators are available as open models for machine rooms and equipment shelters or with sound attenuated enclosures as ready-to-use outdoor models.


AG90, open model / skid model



AG90, Sound attenuated model



  • Power range 60–250 kVA
  • Open model for machine rooms and equipment shelter
  • Sound attenuated enclosure models (canopy)
  • AGCO POWER diesel engines
  • Variety of control options to fit every locations
  • High level product development to meet the demands from the coldness of Lappland to the heat of Africa



Special attention has been paid to the usability of all the genset operations. The vast array of control functions are easily accessed through InteliNano, InteliLite and InteliGen control units.

The control units also have the option of remote control operations, including mobile devices.

Available operating modes:

  • Manual start
  • Automatic start after grid failure
  • Automatic synchronisation / Peak shaving






AG-SERIES, 250–700 KVA

Typical uses of this power range include:

  •     hospitals and other health care centers
  •     fire stations and rescue stations
  •     power companies
  •     nodal points of computer and communication networks
  •     agriculture
  •     construction sites
  •     back-up power systems of industrial estates


Diesel generating sets in 250 kVA–700 kVA power range are available as standard models and in customized solutions based on standard designs.

Generators are powered by Volvo Penta, Scania and Baudouin engines. Other engine brands on inquiry.

A customized diesel generating set generally consists of the same basic components (engine, generator, frame) as standard models, but for example the control system may differ from the standard model.

Generators are also available as containerized versions.

Our project sales managers will be glad to tell you more about customized diesel generating solutions.

AG-SERIES 700–2400 KVA

Typical uses of this range include:

  • hospitals
  • fire and rescue stations
  • power companies
  • nodal points of communication networks
  • back-up power systems of large industrial estates


Practically every 700–2400 kVA diesel generating set is sold and delivered customized for the location. For diesel generators in the power range of 700–2400 kVA we recommend generators with dual bearings.

This range of AGCO Power generators are powered by Perkins, Mitsubishi or Baudouin engines. Other engine brands on inquiry.

This range is also available as containerized versions.

Our project sales managers will be glad to tell you more about customized diesel generating solutions.

Contact AGCO Power generator sales:

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