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Contact us

Please select the contact unit best suited for you with the filter buttons below. If you’re having trouble finding the correct contact information, you can always contact us at


For sales and inquiries, please send an email to

For project contacts,

For engine spare part inquiries, please contact your machine manufacturer directly.

Spare parts sales

Customer service

+358 20 786 3651

Engine Sales, China

William Luo

Manager, Sales & Customer Support, APA

+86 198 0251 0168

Engine Sales, Brazil

Fernando Silva

Commercial Coordinator

Tel. +55 (11) 4795 4210 | Cel. +55 (11) 98529 9577


Heikki Hihnala

Account Manager

+358 40 350 6198

Tapani Katila

Sales manager

+358 40 546 0198

Jussi Hyvarinen

Account Manager

+358 40 635 0941

AGCO Power Diesel Generators, Diesel Pumps and Power Units

Vesimyllynkatu 3,
FI-33310 Tampere,

Tel. +358 20 786 3600
Maintenance tel. +358 20 786 3737

For sales and inquiries, please send an email to
For sparepart sales and inquiries, please send an email to

For project contacts,

Maintenance and repairs

Eemeli Jarva

Team Leader, Power Generation Service

+358 20 786 3737

Maintenance agreements and automation renovations

Jarmo Oksanen

Manager, Sales, Power Generation Service

+358 20 786 3738

Sales, marketing and product management

Kari Mettälä

Sr. Manager, Sales, Marketing & Product Management

+358 40 842 1996

Tero Kortelainen

Project Sales Manager

+358 40 358 9499

Petri Ojala

Project Sales Manager

+358 40 413 6620

Timo Hämeen-Anttila

Project Sales Manager

+358 40 357 5361

Kirsi Nieminen

Project Sales Manager – OEM Power Units

+358 40 526 3041

AGCO Power Diesel Generators, Diesel Pumps and Power Units, China

Cel. +86 (0) 138 1355 9259

Tel. +86 (0) 519 8619 9816


Cynthia Liu

Senior Sales Support Engineer

AGCO Power Diesel Generators, Diesel Pumps and Power Units, Brazil

Please find contact information for AGCO Power power generation product sales and service in Brazil below.


Willian Souza

Commercial Coordinator

Tel. +55 (11) 3308 7500 | Cel. +55 (11) 97277 3261

Renato Morais

Commercial Coordinator

Tel. +55 (11) 4795 2428 | Cel. +55 (11) 95470 0597

AGCO Power

Moottorikatu 7-10
FI-37240 Linnavuori, Finland


Tel. +358 20 786 3600

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Please note, that we do not sell spare parts of offer service to machine end-users. Please contact your machine manufacturer in these matters.

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