More and more agricultural machinery, vehicles and other functions can be electrified. But the dependency from the grid has its downsides. There can be power outages, price fluctuations or capacity problems. With the AGCO Power Microgrid concept, a farm or a community can take power into their own hands by setting up a modular, flexible local grid with components such as generators, solar cells, batteries, EV charging stations and a smart control of the entire grid. The Microgrid concept makes sure there is always power available at the lowest possible cost.
The Microgrid concept was presented at the Agritechnica 2023 trade fair as a part of our wider spectrum of power philosophy. In the eighth episode of our expert video series, Kari Mettälä talks about the concept and shows the diesel generator featuring the versatile and fuel efficient CORE75 engine. The future of electric power may well be in flexible and resilient local grids!
The AGCO Power offering of generators and pumps